Announcing Positive Intelligence Group Coaching Program January 2025!
8 Weeks: January 24 - March 21, 2025
I’m so excited to announce my first Group Coaching Experience based on the Positive Intelligence Program.
In 8 weeks, I will share with you the scientifically proven tools and practices to significantly improve your performance, well-being, & relationships.
The group will be limited to 8 participants to create space for each participant.
The program includes:
Positive Intelligence App-Guided Program
(retails for $995)
Six weeks of app-guided practice, including Daily Focus & Coach Challenges (15 min per day + 1 hour of videos per week)
Audiobook version of Positive Intelligence, read by the author, Shirzad Chamine
Access to the PQ online community
Unlimited access to the PQ app for a full year
30 min weekly sessions with a fellow participant as your learning partner
+ Tailored Coaching with Kathy
(retails for $1,800)
Six weeks of 1-hour group coaching sessions with Kathy
One 1:1 session (1-hour) with Kathy to explore your specific needs
Cost: ($2,795) $1,400 for 8 Weeks
I’m excited to offer this program at 50% off for this first cohort!
**Paid Subscribers will receive a special additional discount. Message me directly in the Substack app me to learn more.
Apply to Join
To reserve your spot today, please fill out a brief application:
The group will be limited to 8 participants
Applications will be reviewed on a first-come-first-served basis
We will schedule a 30-minute consultation call with Kathy before completing your registration
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this program best suited for?
This is the right program for you if you are a) committed to improving your performance and effectiveness dramatically while reducing stress, b) looking for a science-based and trusted system to make it stick, and c) willing to put in the initial effort to rewire years of mental habits that don’t serve you
You do not have to work in a particular sector or function nor do you have to be at a particular level or manage a certain number of people. I will ensure that the diversity of perspectives is beneficial for everyone.
How much time will this require?
The program will require about 4.5 hours a week of your time to benefit from the daily practices, content and tools:
15 min daily practice
1 hour a week of Group Coaching
1 hour a week of video learning
30 min a week of meeting with your learning partner
What day and time will the calls be scheduled for?
Our kick-off call will be Friday, January 24th at 4pm ET
We will determine the date and time of group calls based on participant availability, but calls will generally occur between 12pm ET and 6pm ET
You will also need to set aside 15-30 minutes a week to meet with a learning buddy.
This might sound like a lot of time. In fact, cumulatively, it constitutes less than 3% of your awake time for the duration of the program. Please consider that your Saboteurs are costing you far more than 3% of your time, effort, energy, and productivity. Consider how much more than 3% of time and productivity this six-week investment will save for years to come
Can I take the Saboteur Assessment before I start?
Yes! You can start your Positive Intelligence journey now. You can take your Saboteur Assessment here
For a limited time, I will be providing up to 5 free Saboteur Assessment consultations (45 - 60 min). Email me at to learn more.
Can you share more information about the science that Positive Intelligence is based on?
There is more on the Positive Intelligence website, but here is a helpful whitepaper on the neuroscience behind this program
Looks like a fantastic programme, Kathy!
Sounds amazing! Congratulations!